

Blood Flow Restriction

Blood flow restriction is a tool used to promote gains in muscle strength, hypertrophy, and endurance at a low intensity. Discover improved healing, increased muscle growth, and greater strength development following an injury with this well-researched technique.

Blood flow restriction sessions are offered at our Atlanta offices.

Blood Flow Restriction FAQs

Who can benefit from blood flow restriction?

Just about anyone! Pre or post-surgery, chronic pain and weakness, athletes, tendinopathies, and more.

What is blood flow restriction?

The intermittent occlusion of blood flow using a tourniquet. This creates gains in muscle strength + size with low-intensity exercise. It creates strength gains without stressing joints or soft tissue structures.

How often can you receive treatment?

1-3 times/week. We program 20-30 minutes of exercise with the tourniquet cuffs on.

Visit Well Equipt’s Buckhead practice for your blood flow restriction evaluation session.