Low Back Pain 💥 It has been estimated that more than 50% of Americans suffer from low back at some point in their life. There are LOTS of ways to manage low back pain and it varies from person to person. In physical therapy, we give you an individualized treatment program to address your specific low back pain, but you can also try other forms of exercise. We like Yoga and Pilates. Let’s talk specifically about the benefits of Yoga!
1️⃣ Yoga is a form of mind-body medicine. This can improve flexibility and muscular strength, elevate physical and mental relaxation, and improve body awareness.
2️⃣ Evidence supports use of yoga in the management of low back dysfunction for improved pain and function.
3️⃣ Yoga helps reduce the stress response and improve depression. Stress management techniques help reduce the burden of disease and pain. 4️⃣ Yoga teaches breathing techniques, which can help reduce pain. All that said, if you do have pain during yoga, let us know! We can help you practice yoga AND stay pain free.


Low Back Pain - Treat it Early!


Traps are Trouble!