3 Pieces of Advice for New Runners

I recently started running outside to calm my mind, sweat, and get some fresh air. While I don’t consider myself a runner, I do enjoy a good 2-3 mile jog ever now and then. I never had any trouble with my sporadic runs historically, but the recent daily runs have me reflecting on my professional recommendations to runners. Here are 3 pieces of advice I’d like to continue to stress after reintroducing running into my workout repertoire:

1. WARM UP. I talk about it all the time, but I actually ran one day without warming up... the run didn’t go well. Warmed up for 3-4 minutes the next day and felt a million times better.

2. Focus on leaning forwards and increasing cadence. When I ran straight up, I could feel all my joints pounding the pavement. A forward lean improved everything. Increasing cadence also improves the forces distributed through the body. Aim for 180 steps/min.

3. A 3:1 run:walk ratio to start is where it’s at! I did this for 25 minutes and it was perfect for me!

Aches and pain with running happens, but it doesn’t have to!!


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