Postpartum Physical Therapy

Postpartum care is key at any stage in your post-pregnancy journey. Whether you’re one month, one year or one decade postpartum, we provide comprehensive support with careful attention to healing, movement strategies and fitness goals to help you feel your best. Our postpartum physical therapy programming includes restoring breath-to-body connection, mobility and strength testing, diastasis recti assessments, postural awareness, patient education and a return to fitness plan of care. 

Postpartum Conditions we Treat

Pelvic pain
Diastasis Recti (abdominal separation)
Low back pain/Hip pain
Carpal Tunnel
Safe return to exercise
Core strengthening and stabilization
Tailbone pain

Return to fitness and prevent pain without the need for frequent in-person physical therapy visits. Perfect for busy moms, our postpartum physical therapy program can be completed in our Atlanta office or virtually from the comfort of your own home.