Woke up with awful neck pain??

Twice this week I’ve been told by people that they woke up in the morning and their neck was so stiff they couldn’t move it. Not only is this scary to the average joe, it can also be quite debilitating.

Note, if you have numbness/tingling in the arm, call a PT, chiro, MD, or whatever professional you feel comfortable with and have them take a look and treat it. The sooner you do this, typically the better the prognosis.

In the mean time, it’s important to keep the neck moving. So, trying using gravity to help you with these open books above! Start lying on your side (pillow under head), stack both arms on top of one another, reach the top arm up and over as you follow your wrist with your eyes - YES the neck SHOULD move! Try at least 15 reps on each side!


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