Managing Stress During a Very Stressful Year

What is Stress + 7 Ways to Combat it ✨ Stress is the body’s response to a challenge or demand. Long term activation of the stress-response system and overexposure to stress hormones can put you at risk for many health problems: High blood pressure, obesity/weight gain, anxiety, depression, sleep problems, and addiction. 7️⃣ ways to counter stress:
🌟Healthy Diet: fruits, vegetables, and whole grains (minimize caffeine).
🌟Practice Relaxation Techniques: Deep abdominal breathing, visualization of tranquil scenes, yoga, meditation, massage.
🌟Physical Activity: Boosts endorphins to enhance sense of well-being. Try walking, gardening, housecleaning, biking, weight-training, or yoga.
🌟Sleep: Quality and amount of sleep affects mood, energy levels, concentration, and function. Try creating a quiet bedtime routine and avoiding screen time 1 hour before bed.
🌟Social support: Reach out to family and friends.
🌟Laugh more: Helps lower your stress response.
🌟Seek Counseling: Help identify sources of stress and learn new coping tools.


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