Use it or Lose it

Aging and strength training: Why and how you should work hard as you go through changes.

  1. The less active a person’s lifestyle, the earlier age-related changes will manifest.

  2. Muscle strength gradually decreases as we age, with an accelerated, non-linear decrease by 15% beginning in our 60’s.

  3. These changes can contribute to functional loss in strength and balance capacity as well as gait dysfunction , leading to risk for falls.

  4. Several studies have shown that strength (resistance) training can counteract age related impairments. Crucial factor in maintaining strength capacity is an increase in muscle mass!

  5. Recommendations: Periodized Resistance Program 2-3 days per week at 70-80% of 1RM with 2-3 sets per exercises

In this photo we see strong, healthy muscle of a young subject vs weakened, smaller muscle in elderly subject. Keep at those exercises to keep muscles strong.

Mayer F, Scharhag-Rosenberger F, Carlsohn A, Cassel M, Müller S, Scharhag J. The intensity and effects of strength training in the elderly. Dtsch Arztebl Int. 2011;108(21):359-364. doi:10.3238/arztebl.2011.0359


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