3 Stretches to Address Common Fitness Deficits in Golfers:

I see it all the time: Golfers with hip and mid back stiffness.

Golfers know they “need” to stretch, but they don’t know what stretches to prioritize to help with their game.  They know they will feel better if they stretched, but they have no clue how much better. Golfers think low back pain with golf is “normal” and as you get older it gets worse. While low back pain is common, it’s not normal. A few simple stretches can not only improve your game, but also save your body in the long run. Who wants to choose between golf + pain or no golf + no pain? NO ONE. Good golf + no pain is possible! 

Here are 3 stretches I recommend to my golfers: 

Reach and Roll

  • This is an easy stretch you can do each day to address mid back mobility. It is also a great stretch to get your body used to rotating. Bonus: It is great for those who sit at a desk all day and need to open up their chest and back.

  • Try 15 reps on each side

Lower Trunk Rotation + IR

  • This stretch is also very simple. It addresses hip mobility.  Your lead leg in golf needs as much mobility as you can give it to achieve distance, consistency and lower your chances of having low back pain.

  • Try 5 reps on each side, holding 10-20 seconds each.

Spiderman Lunge

  • This is a tougher stretch. It address hip and mid back mobility together. It also gets your body used to rotating. The best part of this stretch is that it demands a lot of out your core, another important factor to address to improve your consistency and distance.

  • Try 2 sets of 10 reps.

I hear it all the time: I feel so much looser and I can see improvements in my swing!

It’s pretty simple. Improving your hip and mid back mobility will go a long way. Working your core and hip strength will take you even further. Tiger Woods worked on his golf fitness, why don’t you?


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