Baby it’s cold outside! With COVID still on the rise, many of us are turning to outdoor fitness to keep in shape. Exercising outdoors in the winter poses its challenges, including being cold, getting too hot under a bunch of layers, and not drinking enough water. Before your next workout, consider some of these tips to get you exercising safely and comfortably in the cold.

  1. Dress in Layers: Wear moisture- wicking performance gear like polyester or nylon that you can shed quickly when you become warm during your workout. AVOID cotton, which soaks up moisture and can make you chillier.

  2. Wear Bright colors or lights (headlamp, vest) to combat poor visibility due to precipitation or darkness.

  3. Protect your extremities to keep the rest of your body warm: think gloves, socks, waterproof shoes, hats, and neck warmers.

  4. Hydrate!!!! Even when you don’t feel thirsty, drink water to prevent dehydration.

  5. Go Upwind first when running or cycling to reduce the wind chill experienced as you near the end of the workout (when you are sweatiest ).

  6. Perform a dynamic warm-up for 5-10 minutes prior to initiating exercise outside to improve athletic performance and prevent injury. High knees, butt kicks, straight leg kicks, jumping jacks, and body weight squats are all great options.


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